Monday, February 11, 2008

Why Do Chronic Dis-eases Happen To Children? (Part 2)

There are several possible reasons and causes. Some are easily identified while some are commonly and unconsciously overlooked or ignored, and these could be the main culprits.

Possibility No: 1
Parents were not healthy themselves when they conceived:

Does it make sense to you that healthy parents produce healthy babies? When you intend to start a family, do you have a plan for it? If you are committed to have healthy children and a healthy family, would you consider it as your responsibility to take sufficient time to prepare your body before you conceive?

Make a rain check on your current lifestyle, your diet and foods you eat, eating habits, your environment - everything that falls under your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects. All of these do play a part in your health condition.

Check if you need to make any adjustments to any of these areas. If in doubt, seek professional advice. Have an iris analysis to check if you have any nutritional imbalance. Maybe you need a cleansing program, take on a new diet plan, and/or need supplement on your nutritional deficiencies.

An experienced nutritionist will advise you how long you need to take to be ready to conceive. You may need a year or two. But it is all worth the while. Prevention is always better than cure.

To all mothers to be, you have probably heard of the saying - 'children are pillars or leaders of the future'. So you are not only preparing yourself or your body to give birth to a son or daughter, but also preparing to have healthy leaders of the future. Does this inspire you?

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